Workshop History of Bodily Integrity 22 June 2023
Workshop History of Bodily Integrity
22 June 2023, Utrecht University (Drift 25, room 301)
Deadline pre-circulation short papers (ca. 2000-2500 words): 1 June 2023
All participants are requested to read all short papers in advance. Talks consist of an introduction to the paper of ca. 10 minutes, then there will be 20 minutes for discussion. (The keynote excepted, we will have 30 minutes for the keynote, plus ca. 15 minutes for questions afterwards).
Provisional programme
Thursday 22 June
9.30-10.00 welcome and coffee/tea
10.00 Introduction Willemijn Ruberg (Utrecht University): The history of bodily integrity
10.15 Keynote lecture (online) Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (Institut für Soziologie, LMU München): Trans* and Terfs – Negotiating the liminality of modern embodiment
11.00 coffee/tea break
Autopsy, physicians and body parts
11.15 Karen Hollewand (Rijks Universiteit Groningen): Gender and dissection in the Dutch Republic
11.45 Pauline Dirven (Utrecht University): Collectors of specimen or caretakers of the deceased: Forensic experts and their relations with human tissue, 1959-2021
12.15 lunch
Ethics and institutional practices of handling dead bodies
13.00 Lisa Vanderheyden (Utrecht University): The boundaries of the body of a stillborn
13.30 Hieke Huistra (Utrecht University), Noortje Jacobs (Erasmus MC), and Laurens de Rooy (Amsterdam UMC): What to do with the bodies? Handling dead bodies in Dutch medical institutions in the twentieth century
14.00-14.30 coffee/tea break
Consent and bodily integrity
14.30 Jolien Gijbels (KU Leuven/Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) (online): Consent for surgery: Negotiations about abdominal operations in the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1890-1910
15.00 Elwin Hofman (Utrecht University): “To what extent should investigative methods in criminal cases regarding the person of the accused be subject to restrictive rules?” Forensic techniques, consent and bodily integrity in Europe, 1900-1960
15.30 coffee/tea break
Bodily integrity in history: the relationship between individual and collective
15.45 Noortje Jacobs, Martijn van der Meer, Florian van der Zee and Gijs Hoekstra (Erasmus MC): Bodily integrity avant la lettre: the (non-)existence of a concept in early twentieth-century Dutch medicine
16.15 Chiara Lacroix (European University Institute, Florence): Bodies and collectives in twentieth-century health manuals
16.45 Conclusion by Willemijn Ruberg
17.00 drinks
If you would like to attend, please contact Willemijn Ruberg (